Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!!! Ours started out kinda shaky, as Brianna was sick with a virus that caused her to have a fever, headache, and a really bad cough. But she was feeling better by Saturday afternoon, so we still had a good Easter.
We all went to Laurens for the weekend after CJ got off work on Friday. We decided to go to Ames on Saturday morning and see Derek, since he wasn't able to make it home for Easter. We got to see his apartment and where he works at, etc. We also went out to eat and one of the restaurants his boss owns... very good food!! It was nice to see Derek again... we haven't seen him since September when he came home for Labor Day. He is going to Las Vegas in April with some friends, so maybe next time I see him he will be rich??!!!!! (Yeah... right!!!)
We got back to Laurens around supper time and Jenny and Matt showed up that evening. After getting the kids settled down, CJ, Jenny, Matt and I decided to go uptown to see if anyone was "out and about"... this means we went to the two bars that were open to see if anyone we knew was there! There were some people, but not too many that we knew... most were younger kids that my sister and I might have babysat at one time or another, but we sure didn't recognize them! We still had a lot of fun and managed to get home and "prepare" for Easter before Mom got us up for church!!!
Brianna got the "Enchanted" DVD and the "Troy" doll from High School Musical, along with lots of candy! Zach got the "Guitar Hero 2" PS2 game he had been wanting and lots of candy, so I guess they both did pretty well. We went to church with Mom in the morning, then had dinner before leaving to come back home to Sioux City. My mom's brother, Bill, and one of his daughters, Collette, came down to dinner and spent part of the afternoon with us. It was really nice.