Monday, November 12, 2007

A Busy Weekend

This past weekend was just another busy weekend for us! We didn't have any sporting events to attend, but we started doing things around the house to get ready for winter... I keep hoping that by putting it off, maybe winter won't ever come! (Yeah, right...) We took advantage of the nice weather to get up on the roof and clean out the gutters, etc. CJ also got up all the leaves in the yard by mowing them with the lawn mower! The lawn mower just sucked them up in the bag along with the cut grass, so this was even easier than old-fashioned raking!!! In the afternoon, we went down to the basement just to clean out a small corner by the furnace where CJ had been accumulation "various items" (aka JUNK). Well, that small task turned into cleaning the whole utility/laundry room area! We took up old rugs and bought new ones, bought a shelf for towels to put by the shower, etc. The shower also had a small drip coming from the cold faucet, so we also fixed that while we were down there! It was supper time by the time we got done, and we didn't feel like cooking, so Brianna suggested going to Red Robin for supper! Judging from the empty plates at the table when we were done eating, everyone worked up quite an appetite cleaning!! Too bad, the "cleanliness" never just stays that way... Oh well, one room done, only 5 more to go!!!

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