Sunday, April 27, 2008

Friday Night Traffic Jam

I had to take a different route home from work Friday night. I usually just get right on the Interstate by work and take it all the way to the Morningside area of Sioux City where we live, but I couldn't do that this time. The reason... a scrap metal truck traveling down the interstate had several pieces fall of the truck onto the highway and the cars traveling behind were driving over these pieces on the road and their tires were going flat!!! Over 50 cars ended up with flat tires and pulled off to the side of the Interstate before the cops could get traffic rerouted and get the mess cleaned up. This all happened right by the on-ramp I use to get on the Interstate when heading home, so I had to head north in the opposite direction and take an exit into the north side of Sioux City and drive all thru downtown and over to the south end where I live. Since there was a lot of traffic (5:00 on a Friday night -- who can say "rush hour"?!!) this detour was not very fast. I spent a lot of time sitting at a standstill, but not as long as the people already on the Interstate did! I am just glad that I heard about it before I left work and didn't find out by driving over some scrap metal and ending up with flat tires!!!

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