Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Court of Awards

Brianna had her final Brownie meeting for this school year on Friday, May 16th. A "Court of Awards" ceremony was held in the evening for all the girls in 1st thru 5th grade for three schools in our neighborhood. It was a really nice ceremony, with each troop of girls performing a song or some type of skit up in front of all the friends and family in attendance. The older Brownie girls even got to "cross the bridge" to Girl Scouts during this ceremony. Punch and cookies were served afterwards at a little reception. Brianna got her star pin for completing her third year, she got a couple of badges that were earned, and she also got her Cookie Patch and all her prizes for selling over 300 boxes of cookies!! The only patch she is missing is for the trip her troop took to Sioux Falls the weekend before this ceremony. They went up to the Washington Pavillion and spent the night inside the Kirby Science Center! According to Brianna, "it was a blast"! She had a lot of fun running around that place all evening and sleeping among the exhibits! (I keep imagining the movie, "Night at the Museum"!!) The theme was dinosaurs, so she learned all about the different kinds of dinosaurs, saw a movie about them, and even brought home a wooden model of a dinosaur to put together. Hopefully they get their patch for this event soon! The current troop leader, Trishia, is moving to Jackson, Nebraska this summer. So she will be stepping down from her leader position and handing it over to another mom. The new mom/leader is a wonderful person so we are looking forward to a great year ahead!!!

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