Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Little Free Time...

Not much going on right now, since we are kind of in between sports with the kids! (and enjoying being home at night!!) Zach is out for track now, but they are just doing practice after school every day for now...

Conferences were held last week at the high school... Zach is doing very well! We were happy to see that he had mostly A's on his progress report and all of his teachers really enjoy him and had good things to say about him!! Keep up the good work, Zach! Brianna hasn't had conferences yet, but we are not too worried about her either!!

We have been trying to go to Laurens and see Mom on a free weekend while we still have them, but it hasn't been working out well for us. Last weekend, Brianna had the flu and this weekend I am the one sick -- not the flu, but a very nasty head cold! My head feels like it is 5 times bigger and heavier than the rest of my body!! Hopefully it goes away soon and we can get away for a weekend soon!! Maybe this weekend, after we pick up our girl scout cookies!!!

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