Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Washington School Field Day

Every year, Washington Elementary has what they call "Field Day". Most elementary schools in Sioux City don't have access to a track without transporting kids by bus, etc. so they make up their own version of a track and field day! I had the day off, so I was able to go up and watch and enjoy the events! They started off with "volleyball". The classes were split into two teams and given blankets. Instead of a volleyball, they were given water balloons! The object was for one team to place the water balloon in the blanket then "flip" it over the net and the other team needed to catch it -- if not, then they were getting wet!! Next was "hockey" -- with a potato! The kids had to hit a potato across the playground, around a cone, and back to the starting line. There was not much left of the potato after this round! Then came soccer -- each child got one kick to try to score the soccer ball in the goal... way harder than it sounded! After this was the "torch relay races" where each team was given a toilet plunger and a small ball. They had to put the ball in the plunger and carry it like a torch while racing against three other teams! The first team to get all their players through the race was the winner! If your ball fell out of your torch, you had to go back to the line and start over!! They also tossed water balloons back and forth to each other, raced through an obstacle course with and egg on a spoon, and then finished off with races and tug-of-war!! Pictures of some of these events are posted below:

The Water Race:

The Water Race (again!):

The Egg on a Spoon Race:

The Water Balloon Toss:

The 3rd Grade girls racing:

3rd Grade girls Tug-of-War (they won, too!!):

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