CJ and I decided that with a three day weekend for Labor Day, we would put new shingles on our roof... what a CRAZY idea for a relaxing "extended" weekend! Whose idea was this, anyway???!! Oh yeah... mine.
We thought we would do the roof in the spring of 2010, but when we saw a sale ad in the paper, we decided to just go ahead and do it now. All I can say is that I am never doing it again!! We did everything manually -- you know, the "old-fashioned" way. We didn't have a nail gun to make the job go quicker, just good ol' regular hammers. The first day was CJ and Zach doing the work while I did most of the running up and down the ladder for more supplies, bottled water, etc. The second day, CJ, Zach and I were all on the roof. When Zach had to quit to go to football practice, my brother-in-law, Matt, came over and helped for a few hours. We quit a little earlier in the evening and had a barbeque since Mom was in town for the weekend and Matt and Jenny had come over. The third day, it was just CJ and I on the roof because Zach had football practice for both JV and Varsity. By the time he came home later that afternoon, he was too tired to help! Who could blame him?? Luckily Matt came back over and helped us finish up the roof. Even Brianna came up towards the end and pounded in a few nails!! The only thing we didn't get done was the hip and ridge pieces that go over the peak, but CJ and I finished those up the next night after work. Everyone was sore and tired from all the manual labor... I have never had so many bones and muscles ache at one time in my life!! Some muscles I didn't even know I had!! I even still have a blister trying to heal on one of my hands! Well, at least it got done and we don't have to worry about doing it again for a long time (hopefully!) Thanks to everyone that helped us!!!
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