Thursday, October 29, 2009

Seizure #3...

Brianna had her third seizure the other night. Same exact scenario as the other two... it happened within 30 minutes of her falling asleep. This time she woke up coughing and thought she was going to be sick. While I was trying to get her in the bathroom, the convulsions started but probably only lasted 15-30 seconds total. She was very coherent right after and told me that it didn't even feel like a seizure to her this time. I called the pediatric neurologist the next morning and he increased her dosage of medication and wanted to see her earlier than her already scheduled appointment in January. Right now, they can't seem to find an opening any earlier, so we are sticking with the January appointment. They said they will call if a cancellation opens up an appointment spot... I have lots of questions to ask the specialist when we do see him, such as why it didn't feel like a seizure this time? Is it the meds she is on, or was this seizure somehow different?? And why did she have a seizure while taking anti-seizure medication?? So much for my peace of mind... I will let everyone know if I get any answers come January...

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